Monday, April 9, 2012

Helpful Resources for TTC'ers |

A few sites / resources that I have been using during my TTC journey...

Ovulation Calculator | Great for calculating your ovulation dates and for creating a calendar (I always print mine off and use it to write notes on (i.e. when I BD'ed, OPK and HPT results, symptoms etc.)

Early Pregnancy Tests | This is where I bought my OPKs (ovulation prediction kits) and my HPTs (home pregnancy tests). They are inexpensive and work well. I like their 'image gallerys' too to see/read other women's stories to their BFPs (Big Fat positives).

Two Week Wait | Great forum to find other women who are going through similar symptoms as you - Great to see their CD and DPO countdowns to their BFP.

Baby Bump | A great forum where you can read / interact with real women going through the same process.

Pregnancy Test Statistics | A great site to look at when you do start your POAS (pee on a stick) process. Shows the statistics for pregnancy at certain DPOs (Days past ovulation).

Baby Dust to all! And to all Restful Nights!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Peachy Keen Nursery |

Like I need ANOTHER Nursery theme idea - BUT recently I have been thinking about how cute a Peach / Coral colour nursery would be.

Today while at Home Depot getting paint for my Back Foyer, I couldn't help but pick out a few Peach / Coral colour swatches.

I also found a really nice blue/green almost robins egg colour and I think that it would be a nice accent colour with the peach tones along with a chocolate brown and white as well.

Check out my Peachy Nursery Pins HERE.

Colour Swatches:

I think this colour scheme would look nice with either the 'Birdy Theme' nursery I have planned or the Woodland theme with either white or brown tree decals over top of the peach/coral colour It would be a nice contrast and a nice 'pink' tone without being a generic pink.