Monday, April 9, 2012

Helpful Resources for TTC'ers |

A few sites / resources that I have been using during my TTC journey...

Ovulation Calculator | Great for calculating your ovulation dates and for creating a calendar (I always print mine off and use it to write notes on (i.e. when I BD'ed, OPK and HPT results, symptoms etc.)

Early Pregnancy Tests | This is where I bought my OPKs (ovulation prediction kits) and my HPTs (home pregnancy tests). They are inexpensive and work well. I like their 'image gallerys' too to see/read other women's stories to their BFPs (Big Fat positives).

Two Week Wait | Great forum to find other women who are going through similar symptoms as you - Great to see their CD and DPO countdowns to their BFP.

Baby Bump | A great forum where you can read / interact with real women going through the same process.

Pregnancy Test Statistics | A great site to look at when you do start your POAS (pee on a stick) process. Shows the statistics for pregnancy at certain DPOs (Days past ovulation).

Baby Dust to all! And to all Restful Nights!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Peachy Keen Nursery |

Like I need ANOTHER Nursery theme idea - BUT recently I have been thinking about how cute a Peach / Coral colour nursery would be.

Today while at Home Depot getting paint for my Back Foyer, I couldn't help but pick out a few Peach / Coral colour swatches.

I also found a really nice blue/green almost robins egg colour and I think that it would be a nice accent colour with the peach tones along with a chocolate brown and white as well.

Check out my Peachy Nursery Pins HERE.

Colour Swatches:

I think this colour scheme would look nice with either the 'Birdy Theme' nursery I have planned or the Woodland theme with either white or brown tree decals over top of the peach/coral colour It would be a nice contrast and a nice 'pink' tone without being a generic pink.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Documenting Pregnancy |

Being a photographer I am super excited to begin documenting my pregnancy through photographs.

I have been collecting a number of inspiration maternity photos on Pinterest. Check out my board HERE - as my tummy grows I am sure my board of ideas for photos will grow too!

One 'documentary baby bum' photo idea in particular that I recently came across was from the Little Baby Garvin blog where Allyssa is documenting her pregnancy. She made this fabulous chalk board that she updates every week!

Since my handwriting / chalkboard skills are lacking I will probably make a digital version of this (In Photoshop: Put a frame beside my baby bump and write in it) as I like the idea of doing the same thing each week but having a different description or memorable events listed beside the bump!

Carring Baby Close |

I know for sure that I want to get a baby sling/wrap or carrier.

I have done a little bit of research and my top contenders as of right now (based on safety, price, design/look and functionality) are:

- The Moby Wrap - I love their cute Owl Design - And they look like they are great for a sleeping or nursing baby in the home.

- The Maya Wrap Baby Ring Slings - Good for toddlers as well - great for home or public.

- The Kozy Carrier - Look like they would be better for in public - the babies head it outside of the carrier and they look sturdy and durable.

A GREAT resource for researching baby wraps is 'The Baby' where you can find lots of reviews from moms who have used the products.

Some images and video on the above carriers!

The Kozy Carrier:

Kozy Carriers from Karla Jean Davis on Vimeo.

The Moby Wrap:HOW TO Moby Wrap:

Maya Ring Sling:

DIY Project | Free Dresser = Change Table

Our neighbours had a long narrow dresser on their front lawn with a sign that read "FREE!" on it!

Right away I thought "That would make an awesome change table and it has so much storage in it, it would be perfect for the nursery!"

I ran inside, measured up a few different spaces in the room (that will become the nursery) and my husband and I went over to check it out.

We decided it would be great and so we carried it over, cleaned it up and placed it in the room.

Now all it needs is a coat of paint (the colour will depend on the room's design / gender of the baby) and a changing pad installed on top.

You can't go wrong with FREE and I am sure it will look awesome and function so well in the room!

Before and after photos to come!

Here are some other great examples of DIY Dresser to Change Table Conversions:

From Baby Lifestyles
Our is the same size as this one - so with a little paint and some new hardware it will look like new!

From Twittering Bird
This IKEA Dresser works great as a change table - They painted the drawers Different Colours.

From The Nate Berkus Website
A house Proud Momma shows off her DIY Vibrant Yellow dresser! Like hers our dresser is currently a wood finish. But because the dresser we got was FREE we don't have to worry about the wood finish and can experiment with painting it in fun colours to match the room.

Can't wait to get started on ours!! Of Course Ill be Prego SO my husband will have to do the paining. Oh Darn! hehe

Nursery Plans |

Pinterest has become my best friend when it comes to planning nursery spaces! It is SO great to be able to compile all of the lovely items I find in one space where I can test different themes and see how everything looks together.

My top choice for a boy's room right now is a...
Cowboy / Western Theme Nursery

Check out my Western Theme Nursery Board HERE

My top choice for the theme of a little girl's nursery is a...
Woodland Creature / Forest Theme

Check out my 'Forest Theme Nursery' Board HERE

I also have a few other nursery themes planned on Pinterest including:

Can't wait until we find out the gender of the baby so that we can get started on the nursery!
But in the meantime, thank goodness for a site like Pinterest where I can post all my inspiration and feel like I am getting something accomplished!

Milestone # 1 | Prenatal Vitamins

Milestone # 1: Starting my pre-natal vitamins.

Having recently moved to this city we didn't have a Dr. yet. After a frustrating day of calling around to a number of different drs. with no luck a friend of mine amazingly got us an 'in' with her Dr!!

Upon my first visit with the Dr. I mentioned that we would be starting a family soon and to my surprise she prescribed me Pre-Natal vitamins. I guess I just wasn't in that mind frame yet but it definitely made me excited about how close we are to the process beginning!